Alucan announce new plant opening
Alucan has announced the opening of its new plant in Lummen, Belgium as part of its mission to become the model company in the international aluminium manufacturing market.
The installation of the new plant is expected to reduce the company’s carbon footprint by 7.7% due to process improvements in the production line, which are working through the implementation of effective management systems.
Alucan also expect a further 3.7% reduction through its economisation of transport, as the plant brings it to closer proximity to several clients.
Furthermore, the increasingly common use of 100% PCR recycled aluminiumwill reduce the can carbon footprint by 88.4%, while the work of their I+D team aims to lower the weight of the cans to further reduce the footprint by at least 2.5%.
A company statement read: “Our new Lummen factory brings even more advances towards sustainability. We will improve the impact of our manufacturing process by reaching towards eco-friendly energy sources.
“These actions include taking advantage of the heat of the ovens to repurpose it to heat the water required for the process, with the installation of heat exchangers; finding an effective management system through which we can connect rain water to use in our production, and investing in solar panels that will provide us a significant amount of energy to continue producing sustainably.
“Thus, the opening of our new Lummen plant brings about incredibly exciting prospects for Alucan’s business expansion, strong international connections and firm environmental commitment. Here’s to innovation. Here’s to new beginnings. Here’s to a future of sustainability.”
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