Ball plant in Myanmar gets ASI certified

Ball Corporation

Ball Asia Pacific (Yangon) Metal Container Limited has achieved ASI Performance Standard with Provisional status and Chain of Custody Standard Certification for the manufacture and supply of aluminium can bodies and procurement and supply of can ends at its plant in Yangon, Myanmar. 

This means that Ball Corporation has now achieved dual ASI Certification at all of its wholly owned facilities around the world, a total of 67 beverage packaging manufacturing plants. 

The plant has received Performance Standard Provisional Certification under the ASI Interim Policy regarding Audits, Audit-Related Travel and Coronavirus, which clarifies the reasonable accommodations that can be made to audit plans in consideration of the current COVID-19 situation

Fiona Solomon, Chief Executive Officer at ASI said, “ASI congratulates Ball Corporation on achieving dual ASI Certification at all 67 of its wholly owned facilities, including the first ASI Certified plant in Myanmar. 

“This is a noteworthy milestone worth celebrating for Ball, as well as ASI, and sends a strong signal by a packaging sector leader on the business value of ASI Certification. 

“Aluminium beverage can packaging is an iconic symbol for the circular economy, and with its global dual ASI Certifications, Ball Corporation has the possibility to offer its beverage can customers worldwide an on-product ASI logo as a symbol of responsible production, sourcing and stewardship of aluminium.

Carey Causey, President, Ball Beverage Packaging, EMEA said: “Aluminium cans are already the world’s most recycled beverage package averaging 69% and rising fast. 

“The ASI certification takes the sustainability story even further, assuring customers and consumers of the high ethical and environmental standards in the aluminium value chain. 

“We look forward to the increasing adoption and certification of ASI standards across our sector as people understand the can’s potential to contribute to a more sustainable economy.”

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