Ontario consumers set to be charged ‘pop can tax’


Soft drink consumers in Ontario, Canada, will soon have to pay a small additional fee every time they purchase a canned beverage.

The Toronto Star reports that from April 1, a new levy of between one and three cents will be charged per every non-alcoholic container bought.

The move has been made possible by Doug Ford’s provincial government.

It is part of planned changes to Ontario’s recycling system, with the small fee set to be applied by retailers at checkouts and appear as an additional charge on receipts.

It has been dubbed the ‘pop can tax’ in the report.

The Container Recycling Fee (CRF) is thought to be the idea of the Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association (CBCRA).

This is an industry-funded group that includes representatives from Coca-Cola, Tim Hortons and bottling giant Refresco.

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