Collaboration tops agenda at ALFED’s House of Lords lunch

ALFED hosted members from across the aluminium supply chain at the House of Lords for its annual parliamentary lunch on 20 June. Hosted by Lord Rupert Redesdale, the event discussed important issues relating to the sector at the highest level within UK government.

Held in the Cholmondeley Room Terrace, the lunch comprised three keynotes from thought leaders within the industry. Mike Dines, director of Tandom Metallurgical Group, discussed the opportunities and challenges facing the aluminium supply chain, while Miles Prosser, secretary general at the International Aluminium Institute, shared a powerful presentation focusing on the future of the industry and the driving role of sustainability.

Paul Voss, director general at European Aluminium, concluded the event by providing interesting insights from a European perspective.

Tom Jones, chief executive officer of the Aluminium Federation, commented: “ALFED’s annual parliamentary lunch is a highly regarded event in the industry calendar. The sector plays a vital role in the UK economy and our members relish the opportunity to raise key issues with the highest levels of UK government. We work hard to secure keynote speakers who are respected within the industry and this year was no different.”

Mike Dines, president of ALFED, added: “Alongside sharing unique insight into the aluminium value chain across the UK and Europe, the presentations highlighted the importance of the collaboration and development within the industry. Our members are working on some very exciting projects that will help further the aluminium sector, so it was great to discuss these with businesses as we look to transition to a more sustainable future.”

Paul Voss, director general at European Aluminium, commented: “I was delighted to speak at ALFED’s annual House of Lords lunch to discuss the European aluminium market outlook with ALFED members representing the entire value chain.

“Unfortunately, the current state of affairs does not paint a rosy outlook. The EU’s aluminium industry has suffered a significant blow, with a distressing decline of 50% in its primary production since the energy crisis unfolded. This decline starkly contrasts the growing demand for aluminium, driven by its crucial role in countless clean technologies, from solar panels to electric vehicles.

“Now, more than ever, like-minded regions must join forces, ensure an appropriate degree of self-sufficiency, and reduce our dependence on non-market economies for fulfilling our aluminium needs. Let’s continue to be a united front, facing this challenge head-on, and pave the way for a brighter, sustainable future for our industry.”

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