Drinks companies demanding compensation over DRS delays

Coca-Cola and Red Bull are among the drinks companies reportedly seeking compensation following the announcement of further delays to Scotland’s deposit return scheme.

The scheme, that would see a 20p deposit will be added to all single use cans and bottles, was initially planned to be launched in 2021.

However, it has faced numerous delays that mean it will not be launched until 2025 at the earliest.

Sky News reports that the British Soft Drinks Association, which represents Coca-Cola, Irn-Bru makers AG Barr and Britvic, will look to claim millions in compensation.

This is after preparing for a bespoke Scottish system that is no longer going ahead.

Lorna Slater, the Scottish Greens minister, said the scheme was no longer feasible due to decisions by Westminster to block the inclusion of glass bottles.

Ms Slater said: “It is clear that Scotland’s deposit return scheme, in the scope and form passed by this parliament, cannot go ahead as currently planned.

“Over the last 10 days, and right now, we are urgently establishing to what extent there is a way forward for a modified scheme, its scope, terms and timescales.

“That crucially depends on whether the UK government can provide timely, stable and reliable assurances on basic operational matters, such as trading standards, the 20p deposit and producer fees.

“It also depends on to what extent there is industry support for an alternative scheme.”

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