ITSCI fully aligned with OECD Guidance

International Tinplate Association

International Tin Association announces ITSCI has been independently confirmed to be Fully Aligned with OECD due diligence guidance.

ITSCI is the first joint industry initiative to announce a successful second Alignment Assessment (AA) and the first to publish the full report with the completed tool, demonstrating the organisation’s sustained commitment to continuous improvement and transparency.

The second AA was commissioned by ITSCI and conducted by the independent advisory firm Kumi Consulting Ltd., using OECD methodology. It confirms that ITSCI’s activities and operational requirements are explicitly designed to implement the recommendations of the OECD Guidance.

This is a tremendous achievement, not least due to the challenges faced on a day-to-day basis in this complex area of operation in central Africa Mickaël Daudin, ITSCI Programme Manager said that he is very proud of the results of this assessment: “ITSCI operates in the face of multiple challenges related to security, infrastructure, and complex local environments in CAHRA, as well as limited funding. Yet these results demonstrate that we continue to make significant progress and that facilitating effective due diligence on minerals from CAHRA promotes responsible sourcing practices and leads to positive long-term and lasting change at scale.”

ITA is a strong supporter of the progressive improvement approach promoted by OECD having been engaged in drafting the guidance and pioneering implementation through the ITSCI initiative. We continue to extend our work to encourage responsible sourcing across the tin supply chain, including from all artisanal sources. We are proud to contribute to improved practices through ITSCI, the Tin Code, Smelter Assessment Criteria and other tools.

ITSCI has made the AA publicly available to share all scores in detail and show further information on the evaluation.

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