Jason Galley prepares to take the helm at MPMA

Jason Galley, most recently senior director, global innovation, sustainability and business development at Ball Corporation, has joined the Metal Packaging Manufacturers Association as director designate.

Jason will spend the next few months working alongside current director and chief executive, Robert Fell, on the many regulatory and wider issues the industry faces. He will assume fully the role of director and chief executive at the end of this year when Robert retires.

Beginning his career as a metallurgist at CarnaudMetalbox (now Crown Holdings Inc) and holding subsequent senior positions at companies including American National Can, Alcan Packaging, Aerocan, as well as 12 years at Ball Corporation, Jason brings 33 years’ industry experience in the metal packaging industry. He has worked across many steel and aluminium packaging sectors including beverage, food, pharmaceutical, household, and personal care. He also brings a wealth of experience in operations and sustainability.

“Jason’s wide knowledge of metal packaging and the breadth of sectors within that, made him the standout candidate to succeed Robert,” said MPMA chair, Aidan Ruddock, Eviosys. “He also brings sustainability expertise which is a central to everything that we do.”

Galley added: “There are a great many challenges facing the metal packaging industry – EPR, DRS, and the ongoing impacts of Brexit to name just three. There are also evergreen issues around sustainability and ensuring that metal packaging’s voice is well represented at government, retail, and consumer

“I’m looking forward to working with the association’s committees and the industry’s wider sector groups to meet these head on.”


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