Golden Grail Beverages greener commitment

Golden Grail Beverages has announced an increase in the production of its premium product, KOZ Water. This upscale in production aligns with the company’s commitment to sustainability and recycling and the growing demand for eco-friendly alternatives to traditional plastic water bottles.

KOZ Water, available on Amazon since 2020, has been making waves with its eco-friendly packaging and environmental commitment. KOZ Water is not your typical water; from its unique purification process to its commitment to environmental sustainability, KOZ Water is redefining what it means to drink water. Recognizing the imperative role of electrolytes and minerals for human health, each sip of KOZ Water is a step forward to better health.

KOZ Water is packaged in completely plastic-free cans, offering an eco-friendly alternative to plastic water bottles. This is a testament to Golden Grail Beverages’ commitment to recycling and sustainability, especially given the growing environmental problem caused by the popularity of plastic bottled water.

“As a company, we are committed to sustainability and recycling,” says Russ Kaffenberger, CRO of Golden Grail Beverages. “The decision to package KOZ Water in aluminum cans, which are infinitely recyclable, reflects this dedication. We believe our commitment to quality, health, and the environment sets KOZ Water apart in the beverage market and look forward to sharing it with more customers.”

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