Merger of John Good Logistics and Denholm Global Logistics

John Good Logistics Limited was acquired by J&J Denholm Limited on 31st August 2021 and the last two years have seen the business continue to thrive and grow positively under its new ownership.

A further progression of its business will occur on 1st January 2024 when Denholm Global Logistics Limited merges into John Good Logistics Limited to create a new larger combined business, with the company renamed Denholm Good Logistics Limited at that date. 

This merger will benefit all stakeholders including our employees, customers, and suppliers. In an email statement from managing director Seamus Jennings, he said “We are bringing together the best practices of both individual entities to create one significantly stronger, more agile, forward-thinking company that is powered by its people, knowledge, and digital innovation.

“In this regard, we are writing to you now to inform you in advance of these changes in the hope that we can ensure that the merger process is as seamless an exercise for you and us as possible.

“As a customer of John Good Logistics Limited, we foresee that the only significant change you will see is the name change along with the associated branding – there will be no changes to the operations that you rely upon, your day-to-day contacts, and the high level of service you are used to. There will also be no changes to our bank details, company registration and VAT numbers, or any business addresses.

“Our priority in the immediate period following the merger will be to ensure that you, our customer, does not experience any disruption and that the merger is as seamless as possible. 

“Accordingly, we will be monitoring all transactions very closely, and should you feel there are any issues, however small, please speak to your normal account contact or myself. We will be more than happy to help!

“We are confident that this merger is in the best interests of you, our customer as well as the wider stakeholders, and that the relationships we have built together can be further enhanced in the months and years to come.

“Should you have any questions in relation to this merger, please feel free to speak to either myself or your normal account contact. We will be more than happy to answer them.

“We are hugely excited about the future of Denholm Good Logistics and we are very much looking forward to continuing to work and support you in the future.

“We will continue to update you as the merger progresses.”

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