BAMA advice on compliance mark changes

The British Aerosol Manufacturers’ Association (BAMA) has advised its members on the change in compliance mark following the end of the Brexit transition agreement.

The transition agreement ended 31 December, 2020 meaning changes for many different industries going forward.

There is a change in the compliance mark required for aerosol products in the GB markets.

Before 1 January, 2021, that compliance mark was reverse epsilon and that will still be recognised until the end of this year.

The UKCA marking is the new compliance mark and initially will be voluntary before becoming compulsory from 1 January, 2022.

Guidance from the government states: “The UKCA is the new compliance mark. The reverse epsilon will become compulsory from 1 January 2022. Until 31 December 22, the UKCA marking may be affixed to a label or a document accompanying the dispenser.

“This UKCA marking only applies to products to be placed on the GB market.”

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