Global Recycling Day

Global Recycling Day

Today (18 March) is Global Recycling Day and the metal packaging industry has been showing its support.

Now in its sixth year, Global Recycling Day is spearheaded by the Global Recycling Foundation, and in 2021 will aim to  “recognise recycling as an essential industry”.

It will also look to celebrate the achievements of “outstanding individuals” who have gone the extra mile to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Founding president of the Global Recycling Foundation, Ranjit Baxi said: “It is not enough to nominate and promote our heroes but to also ask ourselves the question, ‘what more can I do’? We can all do more individually and corporately to help restore and preserve the environment of our planet.

“The waste stream continues to grow at a frightening rate which we cannot just ignore or worse, pass on to future generations to handle. Let us all act responsibly and save ourselves for the climate catastrophe.”

Last week, European Aluminium and Metal Packaging Europe teamed up to present their new ambitious Roadmap for achieving a 100% can recycling target by 2030.

The volume of aluminium packaging collected for recycling in the UK also reached its highest ever level in 2020 at a 24% increase on 2019.

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