Wildpack achieves record monthly sales


Wildpack Beverage Inc. announced it had achieved record orders in March, an increase of 19% from its previous historic highest month.

“We are excited about the progress in our technology, plant operation and sales,” commented CEO, Mitch Barnard. 

“We continue to see customers graduating across verticals, validating the benefit a single one-stop solution has to beverage brands as they can come to use for all manufacturing needs.”

Wildpack said March can throughput was 19 million, a 15% month-over-month increase. Its monthly throughput results, including cans and can equivalents, continue to meet management’s planned ramp-up utilisation to achieve 300 million cans of throughput in 2022. 

For the third consecutive month, orders eclipsed the previous monthly high. The new high of 146 orders represented a 19% increase. New customers conversion reached a historical high of 31, a 3% increase over the previous monthly high.

Wildpack’s Operations Team was bolstered by the addition of Orlando Hopper, Director of Operations to the Baltimore facility. 

Orlando brings 15 years of operations leadership, with a packing focus. Wildpack’s Las Vegas label and sleeve printing operations had a 22% improvement month-over-month to 1.33 million units, including a single day production record of 88,000 units. 

The final instalment to maximise capacity of current printers was installed and tested in March. Filling yields were 91% and decorating yield were 99%, both improvements over the previous month.

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