BAMA to launch new website

The British Aerosol Manufacturers’ Association [BAMA] announced the launch of its new website, due to go live on June 20, 2022.
Users will still find BAMA’s website at, but the site has been redesigned from top to bottom to bring a ‘more focused and intuitive experience’. 
This new site will no longer use the Member Company Log in system, users will need to create an individual account. Accounts must be linked to company e-mail addresses to give users full access to BAMA’s complete range of services. 
The domain name of all BAMA Member companies have been registered to allow for member services on registration. 

For Non-Members, they will now need to create a profile on the website to access the wide range of free material BAMA offer, and to have the option to purchase guides and literature, as well as to book onto upcoming courses and events. 

For further information about the website redesign, contact the BAMA office.

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