Austria announces €0.25 deposit on all cans and bottles

Austria will introduce a €0.25 deposit on all aluminium cans and plastic bottles, the country’s Climate Protection Ministry announced.

It will come into effect from 2025 and customers will get this money back when they return the bottles or cans.

“Austria is getting a deposit system. This way, we protect our nature and ensure that plastic bottles and cans are recycled properly”, Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) said.

The deposit applies to all non-returnable beverage bottles and cans between 0.1 and 3 litres. There is an exception for milk, however.

Wherever cans and bottles can be bought, they can also be returned.

Gewessler added: “The deposit will be 25 cents – this is how we make sure that the bottles and cans are actually brought back. You can return items anywhere you can also shop. This is a good and practical system that everyone involved can easily implement. 

“I would like to express my special thanks for the constructive cooperation. Together we prevent waste in our beautiful environment, can return items anywhere you can shop. This is a good and practical system that everyone involved can easily implement.”

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