Monster unveils limited edition Apex Legends cans
Monster Energy is back and partnering with EA and Respawn Entertainment to give gaming fans more ways to experience the brand in the gaming world with their launch of three new limited-edition Apex Legends cans.
Customers can be on the lookout for special cans of Monster Original Green, Monster Lo-Carb, and Monster Zero Ultra with art depicting three larger than life Legends: Octane, Pathfinder, and Lifeline.
Those who purchase these limited-edition Apex Legends cans of Monster can also unlock exclusive in-game content and other seriously sweet perks. Collection items include an exclusive rare skin for Pathfinder, two Tracker Sets, and a whole lot of Battle Pass levels.
“Our Monster Energy Apex Legends campaign brings our two iconic brands together to form a truly dynamic partnership,” said Monster CMO Daniel McHugh.
“Without giving too much away we’re looking forward to taking this relationship to new heights and giving our fans exactly what they’ve been asking for. In fact, this November, we’re hosting a $100,000 charity tournament that will feature Apex Legends streamers and content creators along with consumers with prizes and exclusive Monster merch up for grabs.”
The limited-edition Monster Energy Apex Legends cans will be available in 16 and 24 oz. in Original Green, Lo-Carb, and Zero Ultra. Special Monster Energy Apex multipacks will also be available in 12 packs of Original Green, Lo-Carb, and Zero-Ultra, and in 4 and 24 packs of Original Green and Zero-Ultra.