CMBE hosts president of IMechE

CMbE welcomed the president of the IMechE – Giles Harthill at their UK site in Shipley on Tuesday, 30 April.

Giles Harthill – BEng MSc CEng FIMechE – is the chief technologist at the Atomic Weapons Establishment and the president of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Association (IMechE).

See link below for more information about Mr Harthill:

Founded in 1847 the IMechE Association specifically deals with the design, development and improvement of the mechanical components and systems that make our world and lives function – everything from major infrastructure projects to high-speed trains, artificial hearts, and processing chocolate bars, their mission ‘improving the world through engineering’.

There are four tiers of membership (EngTech, IEng, CEng and Fellow) depending on academic qualification and experience, so there is opportunity for everyone to gain professional accreditation at any stage of their career and progress accordingly.

The visit began with a presentation from John Crabtree, CMbE’s mechanical engineering manager, who gave the president and other IMechE members an overview of CMbE and the can making process.

They were then taken on a tour of the Shipley Factory, showcasing the machining, automation and development capabilities available on site.

The visit concluded with lunch, where Mr Harthill presented CMbE with a plaque to recognise their support for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

Senior vice president Andrew Truelove said, “We are very proud to have several employees accredited Members of the IMechE Institute, it is their accomplishments and CMbE’s commitment to professional development that has gained the attention of the Institution and the President”.

Mechanical engineering manager John Crabtree said, “it was great for so many senior members of the IMechE to visit CMbE today and recognise the professional development achieved within my team. They certainly left with an appreciation of the high production speed and tight tolerances required within canmaking”.

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