Brazil’s 2022 Latamcan set to go ahead in May

Raul Martinez, the director of Latamcan, gives a sneak preview of this year’s edition of the trade show taking place in Sao Paulo, Brazil between May 11 and May 13.

With more than 70 can manufacturers already registered, and over 100 exhibitors expected in total, Latamcan 2022 is shaping up to be one of the largest conferences and exhibitions in our history. We expect to have more than 400 people attending from around the world, including the most influential companies and top providers of technology, raw materials, machinery, tooling and services. Over 160 representatives from more than 80 suppliers in our industry have already signed up – the exhibit hall is the place to be this May.

Two prominent organisations – the Brazilian Association of Aluminum Can Manufacturers (ABRALATAS) and the Brazilian Steel Packaging Association(ABEAÇO) – are giving full support to this year’s event. ABRALATAS will be participating in the technical programme, with both its president, Cátilo Cândido, and the executive president, Thais Fagury, attending as keynote speakers in 2pc and 3pc rooms respectively.

The programme looks amazing with presentations covering a range of important topics. The companies giving presentations are:  Integrated Packaging Solutions, Applied Vision, Actega Do Brasil, Pressco Technology, Hyperion Materials and Technologies, Companhia Metalgraphica Paulista, INX International Ink Co., Eastman Chemical Do Brasil, Stolle Machinery Do Brasil, and Specmetrix Systems. To see the bios of the speakers please visit

The technical forums will deal with two critical issues facing can manufacturers around the globe in a post-pandemic world. The 2pc forum titled “Why the industry needs qualified printers and not operators? Understanding where the development of 2pc can printing is going” will be led by Doug Newman of Decotech. He will be joined by Jeanine Strandberg from hl-repro a/s and Jose Carlos Ribeiro from INX in Brazil.

Since the development of high-speed continuous motion can printing over 50 years ago, the industry has come to realise that the “humble” aluminium beverage can is the only truly sustainable container currently available. Growing demand for aluminium cans spurred by a growing environmental awareness, and more recently, heightened by the coronavirus pandemic, have led to the pressure on the supply chain.

That said, the consumer is very brand savvy and can makers can no longer sacrifice quality over quantity. Driven by the fact that a cheap mobile phone has almost 4K resolution and home inkjet printers can reproduce photographs up to 600 dpi, the aluminium beverage can just hasn’t kept up with the trends and demands. Until now! The forum is going to be a lively debate centered around this change, and with the combined knowledge of the panel, it should help can makers start their journey into the next chapter of the aluminium 2pc beverage can.

The 3pc forum will be led by Antonio Galhardo from ACTEGA and will be joined by Thais Fagury from ABEAÇO, Aldo Brito from SoluPlan and Alain Cagnard from Eastmen. The forum “The future of coatings for metal packaging” will be dedicated to discussing the future of metal packaging through the eyes of different areas that interact in this broad segment, with the aim of exchanging experiences throughout the production chain. The issues for discussion will include: Substrates: Trends and Reality; Packaging Trends: New Formats, Greater Security; Productivity: New Processes, Greater Reproducibility; Coatings: New Technologies, New and Stricter Regulations; Environment: Legislation on Waste Generation, VOC, CO2.

Another important part of the trade show is the awards ceremony, which will take place during the closing dinner on Thursday, May 12. Two very special people have been chosen and both deserve our recognition due to their commitment to the industry, their dedication to making improvements to the can making process, and the relationships they have managed to maintain during all these years. Please visit our website to read their bios. We hope everyone can join us for the closing dinner and awards ceremony to wish both Jim and Antonio the best for their contributions to our industry.

The trade show will be held at Bourbon Atibaia Resort, conveniently located on the outskirts of Sao Paulo and closer to the airport than other hotels downtown. The hotel offers large meeting rooms, perfect for our conference and exhibit format and a wide range of restaurants and amenities. To find out more please visit

For more information about Latamcan 2022, please visit or contact Raul Martinez at

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