IST Metz

For more than 40 years the company has been producing UV and LED systems for curing inks, lacquers, adhesives and silicones, which are used in different working widths for 2D and 3D applications.

The product portfolio is complemented by hot-air infrared products and Excimer technology for matting, cleaning and surface modification. The UV systems are used in metal decorating and also in industrial applications in the fields of electronics, display, wood, medicine, automotive, cosmetics, metal, floor coverings and energy storage.

IST METZ’s lab and rental units are used for process development directly at the customer’s lab and production premises.

The R&D department of IST METZ can support these developments with ray tracing simulations which are used to calculate and optimise the UV efficiency, the homogeneity of the radiation and the distance characteristics.

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